Friday, 18 August 2017


Pictures. I like them. I take lots of them. I also uploaded loads of them to so they'd magically appear on here.. Except now they seem to want $400 a year before they will do any wand waving. Words like Ransomware and extortion spring to mind...

Hmmm...fortunately being reasonably proficient in casting the odd web spell myself I've figured out that will kindly throw pixie dust on my photoblog pictures so they appear where I want them... however re-writing my incantations to remove the three separate references to for every picture that appears in my photo gallery entries still took up most of last weekend.

 Expelliarmus eh reader?

1 comment:

STU said...

I seem to remember seeing something about Flickr recently too, fortunately I don't use it for back up or anything and I doubt if I'd reach their limits for free accounts anyway, wasn't there something with them too about deleting free accounts if the were deemed in any way nsfw? in other words save the children..but if you pay its fine upload whatever you like. I think onedrive still has 5gb free storage and google 15gb if you need it